Very cute art. I like the mama bird's voice too.
Very cute art. I like the mama bird's voice too.
I like the tasmanian tiger's walk cycle the most.
Oh hey! Ya noticed me! Thank you so much! :D That seems to be the one thing people are amused by the most. lol
I was loving this up until the Trump jokes. Still a very enjoyable first two and a half minutes though.
needs some actual animation
art needs a lot of work and the audio felt unrelated to the action
Thank you for you Feedback
Good punchline and art, though the voice acting was a little hard to understand. I had to listen more than once.
it's just two frames
Great thanks.
this feels like something from at least a decade ago and I love it
Thank you!
Happy new year!
Lots of personality here, love it.
I draw funny.
Sherman Oaks, CA
Joined on 9/23/18